Thursday 7 July 2016

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe Steps Down As President.

Zimbabwe President, Robert Gabriel Mugabe has today broken news which came as a surprise to many Zimbabweans and the entire people of Africa, in fact the world as a whole.

Mugabe, 92 years, who has served the people of Zimbabwe for close to 30 years has today stepped down from the presidency seat.
According to Mugabe’s personal assistant, the decision to step down came as a result of him (Robert Mugabe) wanting to spend quality time with his grandchildren.

“We knew the decision will surprise most people in Africa and Europe but this is what Mugabe wants now. You see, he is growing old and now wants to spend some time with his family’’ the personal assistant said.

Again the personal assistant disclosed that Robert Mugabe will also host the entire people of Zimbabwe for a dinner night as an appreciation.

“As a way of Mugabe saying thank you to the people of Zimbabwe for being there for him throughout his rule, he would be organizing a dinner for the entire people of Zimbabwe on a date yet to be communicated.’’

Source :Newsprince


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